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  • Writer's pictureDr. Orobosa Owie

Giving Flowers to 6 Boss Moms Who Are Rocking It in Business With Style & Grace!

Updated: May 13, 2021

Today is Mother's Day, and it will be my first time hosting a special Mother's Day ceremony in my home in which I will honor and pay tribute to my mother, Rosella Owie. Although she passed away over eighteen years ago, 2021 is the first year in which I finally received peace and full closure about my mother's passing.

Now don't get me wrong, since she has died, I know she will never physically return. However, for the last seventeen years, processing my mother's death has been an arduous process. A part of my challenges in understanding my mother's death derived from my prior inability to grasp the concept of dealing with death through the lens of being a Christian. As Christians, we know that death does not mean it is the end, but rather it is the transitioning into eternal life for those who believe in Christ. However, this transitioning is not always easily understood by the decease's family and friends. In my case, my mother's death caused me to experience trauma in a way that I have never felt before and had led me to have so many questions for God, including why he would allow me to become a motherless child at 15. But little did I know that my questions were about to be answered in the year 2021.

"There is no one who would love you like your mother"

Rosella Owie

On February 9, 2021, my mother came to visit me in my dream. Now, if you are not a believer in God or that there is a spiritual realm, then my proceeding sentences will sound bogus to you. Nonetheless, for those of us who believe, we know that God and the spiritual realms are very real.

During this dream, my mother and I had a very long conversation. Do note, this was not the first time my mother had visited me in my dreams. However, this specific dream felt different. Now I can't recall all of what we discussed, but I remember at the end of our conversation, I asked her to watch over me, my husband, and her grandchildren. Although I don't have a husband or children yet (lol), I was amazed by her response which was "I Know" ( a very typical response of any mother). But from all of what I just shared; this was not the part that blew my mind.

The part that blew my mind was towards the end of the dream, my mother proceeded to drive off into what I can describe as a tropical and golden paradise. It was a sight that I have never physically seen before, but when I woke up, I knew that what I just witnessed was a snippet of what the bible defines as heaven.

Of course, I didn't want the dream to end, but it was also the first time since my mother's passing that I had accepted that she was no longer here on this earth. The experience gave me a level of closure that I always wanted. It was good to know that my mother was in heaven living in paradise. Also, it was the best confirmation from God, stating that he hears my prayers. So, from that day, I promised God that I will always think of my mother's memory with a level of great peace. In addition, I promise myself that from that day on, I would continue to use my existence on this earth to be the woman of virtue that my mother had shown me to be. Being a virtuous woman means that you are a woman who shows love, care, and respect. It also means that you honor the Lord and those who have been good to you.

So, on this Mother's Day, instead of channeling sadness, I choose to show honor by highlighting and giving virtual flowers to 6 phenomenal black women who carry the titles of CEO and Mom. Each woman on this list has inspired and supported me in my journey of evolving into the powerhouse businesswoman that I am today. I know I have told each and every one of them thank you maybe once or a thousand times, but I firmly believe you can never show too much gratitude.

Here are the 6 Powerhouse CEOs in My Network Who Also Carry the Title "Mom":

LaToya Hurley | IG: @latoyahurley

Latoya is the Founder & CEO of Innovating Marketing, a PR and Marketing Firm dedicated to "Making the Impossible, Possible." LaToya and I meet via Eventbrite. I was planning to do my 1st Women's Empowerment event in Houston, TX. She saw my event posted on the platform and offered to help me promote the event to the Houston market. Since then, she has served as my publicist and is a real champion for empowering black women. She was the reason I was able to host my 1st book signing at the Barnes & Noble located in the prestigious River Oaks area in Houston, TX.

Dr. Jacque Colbert | IG: @drjacquecolbert

Dr. Jacque is the Founder & CEO of Sipping PositiviTEA an affordable, luxury, experience brand dedicated to creating products that improve positivity amongst its clientele. I met Dr. Jacque through my publicist and I just love the boss that she is. Dr. Jacque is very stylish and brings the Caribbean flavor to Houston which are two qualities I appreciate being from Brooklyn. She is also a breast cancer survivor. I had the absolute pleasure of sharing the stage with Dr. Jacque who served as a guest speaker during my 2nd Annual Women's Empowerment brunch in Houston, TX.

Ebony Anuforo, Esq. | IG: @ebonyanuforoesq

Ebony is the founder and CEO of Anuforo Law Firm, an immigration legal practice dedicated to helping its clients obtain the American Dream. Ebony and I grew up together, and I am so proud of the woman she has become. Ebony has always supported me throughout various points of my journey. She also shared her story about becoming an Attorney and Law Firm owner on my podcast, the Power of My Identity, and vice versa. I have shared my story on initiating conversation as an introvert on her podcast No Small Talk. You can listen to both episodes by clicking on the podcast names.

Dr. Sudie Nallo-Akinrotiba| IG: @icaf_africa

Dr. Sudie is the founder and CEO of ICAF. ICAF stands for the International Coalition For African Fashion and is an organization dedicated to providing resources and co-working opportunities to industry professionals and fashion enthusiasts whose missions align with promoting African fashion sustainability. Dr. Sudie and I meet while serving as committee members on the African Affairs Committee with the United Nations Association for Young Professionals. Since then, we have grown to be sisters. We have traveled the world together and plan to continue turning up for many more years to come. Dr. Sudie was also featured on Episode 12 on the Power of My Identity Podcast. During the interview, Dr. Sudie and I discussed the cause and effects of sex trafficking and rape amongst African women. You can listen to the full episode here.

Dr. Obehi Asemota | IG: @drobehiasemota

Dr. Obehi is the founder and CEO of Hope Fertility, a full-service fertility center dedicated to offering personalized care to all couples. Dr. Obehi and I meet via an introduction from one of my closest friends. Since then, I have worked with Dr. Obehi on a project that supported the marketing launch of her practice. It was an exciting experience, and I am so proud of Dr. Obehi and her achievements in the field of medicine. She is truly a leader in infertility and reproductive healthcare. You can learn more about Dr. Obehi's journey and her thoughts on fertility awareness by listening to Episode 7 on the Power of My Identity podcast.

Last but not least, the 6th slot goes to…

Rachel Aminu, Esq | IG: @rae_aminu

Rachel Aminu is the founder and CEO of Aminu Law firm, a family and immigration practice dedicated to providing quality legal care and resolutions to their clients. Rachel and I meet through an introduction from one of my closest friends, and since then, we have stayed connected. One of the many things I admire about Rachel is her commitment to praising the Lord, all while being a powerhouse boss, wife, mompreneur coach, and attorney. Rachel has been featured on several of my projects, including being a guest speaker at my 1st Annual Women's Empowerment brunch in Houston.

Once again, thank you ladies for being powerhouse women that I can continuously learn from.

Have a Great Mother's Day!

Are you a Boss Mom? or Do you have a favorite Boss Mom? Feel free to share your/their "Boss Mom" story in the comments below.

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